
Ugly Dolls Movie (mom & son date night)

Hey, hey! Happy Thursday!
So, yesterday the boys and I were so lucky to go to an advance screening for Ugly Dolls.
Usually when we go to a kid movie I prepare myself for at least a full hour of napping. It's a moment to have peace without any fighting and tattling over who farted on who. Last night  went a little different. It was just the two boys and myself. We rushed out the door, threw up the deuces to the hubs and the horrible two year old screaming down the entryway. 
Once we got there we were so excited to find VIP seats & fun goodies. Now, I was a little worried that the boys would complain... just because the title had the word "dolls" in it.  Guess what... not ONE mention of it. 
We laughed and I think I even teared up a bit. By the time the ending came around I couldn't believe I stayed awake the entire time. Ugly dolls will definitely be going on my favorite list for kid flicks. The message behind the entire movie is pretty powerful.  After the movie the boys and I had a talk about what they got out of the movie. Their answer was that everyone is unique in their own way... and that's okay! Every kid and adult should know that. Especially in the world today with social media & everyone aiming for perfection. It's okay to have flaws and little imperfections. What is perfect anyway? 

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